March 2024 Newsletter

Hello Mama!

Happy March! We hope you’ve been enjoying all the goodies our FarmHers have been producing! We have another round of wonderful items for you this month and are excited to share the bounty. Creamy goat cheese, crunchy apples, crisp spinach and greens, bright and tangy tomato sauce, tasty chicken, and more. We’d love to hear about or see what you create! Remember that our Facebook community is always open to you, other Mamas, our nurses, and our FarmHers as a wonderful resource to learn, ask questions, share, and connect.

Can you believe that spring is just around the corner? Fresh breezes, spring rains, warm sunshine, and green everything! We’ve certainly had a sneak peek of the weather to come with the couple of 60 and 70-degree days we had last month! Hopefully you were able to get out and enjoy some sunshine. Our FarmHers are certainly gearing up for spring, and planting has begun! This is an exceptionally busy season for many of our FarmHers, as 2024 farm plans are being finalized and spring planting begins. Our FarmHers are laying the foundation for all that’s to come this season!

We recently hosted a crop planning workshop for our FarmHers alongside Purdue Extension educators to help FarmHers coordinate and plan with one another on what to grow and produce this year. This program is truly a work of love and connection, and we are so thankful to be able to connect with you. Food is truly our love language! Again, we hope you enjoy this month’s food tote and are as excited as we are for the spring and summer goodies to come. Take care, Mama!

Food Justice For All,

The FarmerHer to Mama Team
Anne, Anna, Porchea, Virginia, Becca, Dominique, Allyssa, & Veronica

March Goodies

bowl of spinach

Foodie Tips

  • Eggs, chicken, and cheese should be kept in the fridge. Cheese and chicken can easily be frozen for future use - simply thaw in fridge before use.

  • Apples can be kept at room temp. Rinse before eating or cutting.

  • Greens (lettuce, spinach, and microgreens) should be kept in the crisper drawer of the fridge until ready to eat.

  • Pinto beans are dried and can be stored in a closed, moisture-free container at room temp. These will keep for several months.

  • Tomato sauce can be stored unopened at room temp for several months. Once open, store in the refrigerator.

A Look Ahead

April - ground pork, radishes, turnips, kale, relish, lettuce, cheese, potatoes, popcorn, eggs, and more!

Join our FarmHer to Mama Facebook Group for support, recipes, tips, & community.

Questions or feedback about the program? We’d love to hear from you! Reach out to Anne (, 219-313-8828) or Porchea (, 219-316-4556).

Sarah Highlen

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food non-profits everywhere.⁠

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April 2024 Newsletter


February 2024 Newsletter