Leading Change: NWI Community Food Plan & the Indiana Food Vision
Take the Indiana Food Vision survey! We value your voice and your time. This survey informs BOTH the Indiana Food Vision and the NWI Community Food Plan.
Your Voice. YOUR Vision.
Over the next few months, the NWI Food Council, along with many community partners, will be gathering input as we pull together the NWI Community Food Plan for our region and support the statewide Indiana Food Vision effort. This is an exciting opportunity to drive strategy and investment around our regional food system and unify efforts across the state.
We seek to understand the experiences of those living in Northwest Indiana, who participate in the food system (which is everyone!). Your feedback will form the basis for the Food Plan, which will be a roadmap of policies and programs to shape the future of food and agriculture in our region.
Please take about 10-15 minutes to share about your day-to-day food system experience by clicking the link to the survey. Your voice will be included in both the NWI Community Food Plan and the Indiana Food Vision!
You can also join Focus Groups around the region and state in the coming months. Would you like to host a focus group or have us join you at an event to gather feedback from your community? See below for details!
This project is funded by the Indiana Department of Health and supported by New Venture Advisors.
Your Voice. YOUR Vision.
NWI Food Plan Meet-Up Dates
We have four NWI Food Plan Meet Ups planned for this summer, with in person and virtual options! These Meet Ups are designed to learn what your priorities are for an NWI Food Plan. Meet Ups are open to the public, but space is limited, so be sure to register today.
Partner with us for a focus group!
Do you host regular meetings for your organization or community group? If you’re interested in co-hosting an NWI Food Plan Meet Up at one of your regularly scheduled meetings, let us know! Our staff and volunteers can join part or all of your meeting to collect input from your group to be sure your voice is heard. Your Voice. YOUR vision.
The NWI Food Plan is made possible by funding from the IDOH Health Innovation Partnerships and Programs Division and the Indiana Food Vision is made possible by funding from the IDOH SNAP-Ed Division.